Monday 2 July 2012

O the places we'll go!

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog following my adventure to India!

For the past few weeks (months, really), I've been busy preparing for this trip-booking flights, researching travel spots. Deliberating over things that I am sure will seem ridiculous once we're there, like what footwear we should bring or what clothes may be appropriate.  It was not all for not though, as miraculously I am already packed over a day in advance (for those of you who know me well you will understand that this is a major accomplishment).  Just a few errands to run tomorrow and I am officially as ready as I can be for this trip!  I say that because, while I've been dreaming of India for months now, I feel as though what I am expecting and what it will actually be like are going to be very different.  I've told myself that there'll be heat, overwhelming smells, overwhelming crowds, delicious food that will likely make me sick.  From what I've heard, our travels will be filled with both maddening and awesome experiences.  Cannot wait for this adventure to start, though there are definitely some nerves mixed in there with the excitement.  We fly out Wednesday July 4th, and will arrive in New Delhi the following day. After a night there, we'll be making our way by flight to our destination for a month, Hyderabad, in central India.  While there we'll be working with an NGO called CHAI-Catholic Health Association of India-learning from and with them about the healthcare system in India and social determinants of health. Here's a link to their website if you want to check it out! Once we're there I am going to try to update this blog as I can depending on how much fun we're having and internet connections.  That's it for now!

1 comment:

  1. OH TESS!! I am so excited for the bunch of you, and will be following all your blogs as I lay on the shores of Georgian Bay. Be safe and HAVE FUN! Miss you already,
